The game is a murder mystery which also requires you to use team work, by playing with one of your facebook friends. The atmosphere of the game is very similar to that of the trailer and uses some of the same features to create a realistic verisimilitude. For example, all the actors are wearing Victorian clothes, the contestants must answer telegrams (as that was the main form of communication t the time) and it is set in London, complete with swirling fog. It also promotes the team work used by Watson and Holmes, by encouraging you to play the game with a Friend.
2. The game operates via the social networking site Facebook. Why do you think this particular site was chosen to host the game?
I think Facebook was chosen to host the the game as it means that the players can play against their friends without being in the same room as them, keeping up with trends such as Xbox Live. I think Facebook was chosen as it is the most popular social networking site (amongst my peers) and also the one most suited for the games interactive element (i.e. using your status updates to ask for evidence/clues etc.)
Explain how the graphics, the gameplay and the overall design fit in to the overall marketing campaign for the film.
The game uses a mixture of animated graphics and real actors. The animation isn't as futuristic looking as some games, as it is still trying to keep in with the Victorian feel of the film. The use of real actors gives the player a glimpse into what the film will be like. However, the graphics are impressive enough to keep people's interest. The style of the game fits in well with the film, it requires the players to think carefully and use their instincts to solve the mystery, unlike your average action game. It promotes the intellectual side of Sherlock Holmes. The game also promotes the teamwork used by Watson & Holmes by encouraging the players to chose a friend to work with. The aim of the game is to solve a mystery, much like the main plot line of the film. By bring out a game which fans can play, it increases interest fro the film. The game will intrigue the players and encourage them to go and watch the film. It all adds to the sense of mystery surrounding the film; what will the updated version of Holmes be like? what mystery will he have to solve? etc.
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